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2 years ago
import datetime
import math
import socket
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger
clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
clientSocket.connect(('', 4002))
# # 发
# sendData = input('>>')
# clientSocket.send(sendData.encode('gbk'))
# 收
# jishi=0
# while jishi<= 30:
x = 0
y = 0
yaw = 0
x_car = 0
y_car = 0
heading = 0
east = 0
north = 0
beidou = 0
def zuo_biao():
global yaw, x_car, y_car, east, north, beidou, heading
while True:
recvData = clientSocket.recv(1024)
tcpdata = recvData.decode('gbk')
# print(tcpdata)
beidou = tcpdata.split(',')
# print(beidou)
# print(len(beidou))
# KSXT = beidou[0]
# if KSXT=='$KSXT':
KSXT = beidou[0] # 帧头
time0 = beidou[1] # 时间
lon = beidou[2] # 经度
lat = beidou[3] # 纬度
height = beidou[4] # 海拔
heading = beidou[5] # 方位角
heading = float(heading)
heading = heading + 180
if heading > 360:
heading = heading - 360
if 0 < heading <= 90:
yaw = math.radians(90 - float(heading))
yaw = round(yaw, 3)
yaw = math.radians(450 - float(heading))
yaw = round(yaw, 3)
print("yaw", yaw)
# pitch = beidou[6] # 俯仰角
# tracktrue = beidou[7] # 速度角
# vel = beidou[8] # 水平速度
# roll = beidou[9] # 横滚 空
# pos_qual = beidou[10] # GNSS定位质量指示符0 = 定位不可用或无效 1 = 单点定位 2 = RTK 浮点解 3 = RTK 固定解
# heading_qual = beidou[11] # GNSS定向质量指示符 0 = 定位不可用或无效 1 = 单点定位 2 = RTK 浮点解 3 = RTK 固定解
# solnsvsh = beidou[12] # 前天线使用卫星数 前天线当前参与解算的卫星数量
# solnsvsb = beidou[13] # 后天线使用卫星数 前天线当前参与解算的卫星数量
2 years ago
if abs(x_car-float(east))>10 or abs(y_car-float(north))>10:
2 years ago
east = beidou[14] # 东向位置坐标:以基站为原点的地理坐标系下的东向位置,单位:米,小数点后 3 位
x_car = np.cos(yaw) * 2.3 + float(east)
x_car = round(x_car, 3)
# print('x',x_car)
north = beidou[15] # 北向位置坐标:以基站为原点的地理坐标系下的北向位置,单位:米,小数点后 3 位
y_car = -np.sin(yaw) * 2.3 + float(north)
y_car = round(y_car, 3)
shijian =
# logger.add(
# 'x,y记录%s-%s-%s,%s:%s.log' % (shijian.year, shijian.month,, shijian.hour, shijian.minute))
# logger.debug('北斗x {}北斗y {},x_car{},y_car{},方位角{},转换角{}', str(east), str(north), str(x_car),
# str(y_car), str(beidou[5]), str(heading))
# up = beidou[16] # 天向位置坐标:以基站为原点的地理坐标系下的天顶向位置,单位:米,小数点后 3 位
# eastvel = beidou[17] # 东向速度:地理坐标系下的东向速度,小数点后 3位单位Km/h(如无为空)
# northvel = beidou[18] # 北向速度:地理坐标系下的北向速度,小数点后 3位单位Km/h(如无为空)
# uphvel = beidou[19] # 天向速度地理坐标系下的天顶向速度小数点后3 位单位Km/h(如无为空)
# unknown = beidou[20]
# check = beidou[21] # 异或校验(十六进制字符串,从帧头开始校验)
# east = float(east)
# north = float(north)
# print('接收时间为:',
# print('方位角:%s; 东向位置坐标:%s; 北向位置坐标:%s; ' % ( heading, east, north))
# print('\n')
# file = open('1.txt', 'a')
# file.write(str('方位角:%s; 东向位置坐标:%s; 北向位置坐标:%s; ' % (heading, east, north)))
# file.write('\n')
# jishi=jishi+1
# time.sleep(0.05)
# else:
# print('未接收到定位消息,重新连接')
# clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# clientSocket.connect(('', 4002))
# # clientSocket.close()
# d = math.sqrt(pow((east - x), 2) + pow((north - y), 2))
# if 0.2>=d >= 0.1:
# print('大于', d)
# print('\n')
# file = open('1.txt', 'a')
# file.write(str('方位角:%s; 东向位置坐标:%s; 北向位置坐标:%s;与上一点的距离为%s ' % (heading, x, y,d)))
# file.write('\n')
# x = east
# y = north
# print(x, y)
# else:
# print('不在范围', d)
# print('\n')
# if x==0 and y==0:
# x = east
# y = north
# time.sleep(0.05)
# zuo_biao()