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1 year ago
import datetime
import time
from loguru import logger
import numpy as np
import math
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tcp4
import sqlite3
import threading
import test5
import sped
k = 0 # 前视距离系数
Lfc = 6# 前视距离
Kp = 1.0 # 速度P控制器系数
dt = 0.1 # 时间间隔单位s
L = 2.7 # 车辆轴距单位m
class VehicleState:
# state = VehicleState(x = tcp4.x_car, y =tcp4.y_car, yaw = tcp4.yaw, v = 0)
def __init__(self, x=tcp4.x_car, y=tcp4.y_car, yaw=tcp4.yaw, v=sped.speed):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.yaw = yaw
self.v = v
def update(state, a, delta):
state.x = tcp4.x_car + sped.speed * math.cos(tcp4.yaw) * dt
# print("state",state.x)
state.y = tcp4.y_car + sped.speed * math.sin(tcp4.yaw) * dt
state.yaw = tcp4.yaw + sped.speed / L * math.tan(delta) * dt
state.v = sped.speed + a * dt
return state
def PControl(target, current):
a = Kp * (target - current)
return a
def pure_pursuit_control(state, cx, cy, pind):
global tx,ty,fangxp
ind = calc_target_index(state, cx, cy)
# if pind >= ind:
# ind = pind
if ind < len(cx):
tx = cx[ind]
print('tx', tx)
ty = cy[ind]
print('ty', ty)
tx = cx[-1]
# print('tx1',tx)
ty = cy[-1]
# print('ty1',ty)
ind = len(cx) - 1
alpha = math.atan2(ty - state.y, tx - state.x) - state.yaw
# print('alpha',alpha)
if state.v < 0: # back
alpha = math.pi - alpha
Lf = k * state.v + Lfc
delta = math.atan2(2.0 * L * math.sin(alpha) / Lf, 1.0)
if delta > np.pi / 6.0:
delta = np.pi / 6.0
# print('delta1', delta)
elif delta < - np.pi / 6.0:
delta = - np.pi / 6.0
# print('delta2', delta)
angle = delta * 57.3
fangxp = -int((angle) * 18)
print('fxp', fangxp)
file = open('1.txt', 'a')
file.write(str('北向位置坐标:%s; ' % (fangxp)))
db_file = "turndb.db"
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
cur = conn.cursor()
sql='INSERT INTO turndb(id) VALUES(1);'
sql = "update turndb set angle='%s' WHERE id = 1" % fangxp
# print(delta)
return delta, ind
def calc_target_index(state, cx, cy):
# 搜索最临近的路点
dx = [state.x - icx for icx in cx]
dy = [state.y - icy for icy in cy]
d = [abs(math.sqrt(idx ** 2 + idy ** 2)) for (idx, idy) in zip(dx, dy)]
ind = d.index(min(d))
# print('ind',ind)
L = 0.0
Lf = k * state.v + Lfc
while Lf > L and (ind + 1) < len(cx):
dx = cx[ind + 1] - cx[ind]
dy = cx[ind + 1] - cx[ind]
L += math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
ind += 1
# print('ind1', ind)
return ind
def main():
# 设置目标路点
cx = [75.527, 75.629, 75.727, 75.826, 75.924, 76.026, 76.136, 76.235, 76.338, 76.438, 76.548, 76.652, 76.771,
76.891, 76.996, 77.108, 77.227, 77.339, 77.442, 77.551, 77.655, 77.761, 77.872, 77.981, 78.087, 78.197, 78.32,
78.428, 78.539, 78.647, 78.753, 78.849, 78.968, 79.078, 79.186, 79.285, 79.387, 79.487, 79.592, 79.694,
79.795, 79.892, 79.988, 80.092, 80.189, 80.272, 80.361, 80.447, 80.53, 80.611, 80.695, 80.785, 80.871, 80.957,
81.041, 81.117, 81.197, 81.267, 81.345, 81.42, 81.489, 81.554, 81.605, 81.648, 81.685, 81.709, 81.738, 81.772,
81.802, 81.854, 81.907, 81.966, 82.025, 82.081, 82.138, 82.195, 82.248, 82.299, 82.355, 82.408, 82.46, 82.51,
82.558, 82.609, 82.657, 82.702, 82.749, 82.793, 82.83, 82.865, 82.896, 82.938, 82.971, 83.001, 83.03, 83.057,
83.084, 83.111, 83.127, 83.136, 83.128, 83.111, 83.086, 83.061, 83.034, 82.998, 82.958, 82.918, 82.886, 82.853,
82.819, 82.789, 82.755, 82.71, 82.678, 82.647, 82.614, 82.576, 82.548, 82.521, 82.503]
cy = [-20.969, -20.977, -21.0, -21.023, -21.046, -21.062, -21.08, -21.097, -21.108, -21.122, -21.136, -21.148,
-21.151, -21.155, -21.162, -21.159, -21.159, -21.158, -21.153, -21.145, -21.134, -21.131, -21.115, -21.101,
-21.083, -21.066, -21.054, -21.032, -21.001, -20.973, -20.942, -20.907, -20.873, -20.837, -20.8, -20.755,
-20.717, -20.675, -20.626, -20.578, -20.528, -20.48, -20.428, -20.371, -20.311, -20.247, -20.192, -20.132,
-20.073, -20.013, -19.952, -19.886, -19.812, -19.74, -19.671, -19.597, -19.522, -19.45, -19.369, -19.293,
-19.217, -19.127, -19.034, -18.94, -18.836, -18.737, -18.632, -18.529, -18.428, -18.329, -18.24, -18.155,
-18.066, -17.978, -17.886, -17.799, -17.707, -17.619, -17.524, -17.435, -17.342, -17.254, -17.161, -17.061,
-16.965, -16.865, -16.76, -16.656, -16.561, -16.462, -16.365, -16.25, -16.142, -16.036, -15.923, -15.824,
-15.723, -15.612, -15.507, -15.398, -15.297, -15.189, -15.076, -14.977, -14.871, -14.763, -14.656, -14.556,
-14.46, -14.36, -14.26, -14.161, -14.051, -13.941, -13.841, -13.741, -13.639, -13.531, -13.433, -13.328, -13.228]
target_speed = 5 / 3.6 # [m/s]
T = 500.0 # 最大模拟时间
# 设置车辆的出事状态
state = VehicleState(x=tcp4.x_car, y=tcp4.y_car, yaw=tcp4.yaw, v=sped.speed)
# state = VehicleState(x=89, y=20, yaw=0.0, v=0.0)
lastIndex = len(cx) - 1
time = 0.0
x = [state.x]
# print('x',x)
y = [state.y]
# print('y',y)
yaw = [state.yaw]
v = [state.v]
t = [0.0]
target_ind = calc_target_index(state, cx, cy)
while True:
# print('heading',tcp4.heading)
ai = PControl(target_speed, state.v)
di, target_ind = pure_pursuit_control(state, cx, cy, target_ind)
state = update(state, ai, di)
time = time + dt
print('x1', x[-1])
print('y1', y[-1])
print('yaw', yaw[-1])
# logger.add('file.log')
# logger.debug('角度 {},y {},x {},北斗角度 {}北斗x {}北斗y {}', str(yaw1), str(y1), str(x1),str(tcp4.heading),str(tcp4.east),str(tcp4.north))
1 year ago
# print('v', v[-1])
1 year ago
# plt.cla()
# plt.plot(cx, cy, ".r", label="course")
# plt.plot(x, y, "-b", label="trajectory")
# plt.plot(cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind], "go", label="target")
# plt.axis("equal")
# plt.grid(True)
# plt.title("Speed[km/h]:" + str(state.v * 3.6)[:4])
# plt.pause(0.001)
shijian =
'预瞄点记录%s-%s-%s,%s:%s.log' % (shijian.year, shijian.month,, shijian.hour, shijian.minute))
logger.debug('y {},x {},tx {},ty {},fxp{},yaw{},北斗x {},北斗y {},x_car{},y_car{},方位角{},转换角{}', str(y1),
str(x1), str(tx), str(ty), str(fangxp),
str(state.yaw), str(tcp4.east), str(tcp4.north), str(tcp4.x_car),
str(tcp4.y_car), str(tcp4.beidou[5]), str(tcp4.heading))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()
t1 = threading.Thread(target=test5.can165) # 读取eps状态
t2 = threading.Thread(target=test5.can0a5) # 读取目前方向盘角度
t3 = threading.Thread(target=test5.main)
t4 = threading.Thread(target=test5.update)
t5 = threading.Thread(target=main)
t6 = threading.Thread(target=tcp4.zuo_biao)
t7 = threading.Thread(target=sped.sped)
# 启动线程
# t4.start()